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Hardware Requirements

CPU and Memory

The minimum requirements for an SRE server are:

  • vCPU: 4
  • Memory Size: 8192 MB
  • Hard Disk Size: 250GB (SSD)


A more tailored dimensioning is needed on a project basis.


SRE should be equipped with a minimum of 1 Gigabit Ethernet link.

Element Managers can be configured with 1 or 2 NIC interfaces

  • 1 for Management (GUI/SSH access)
  • 1 for DB replication between all components (EM's and CP's) and for CP modules control


They can be combined in a single interface

Call Processors can be configured with multiple NIC Interfaces

  • 1 for Management (SSH access)
  • 1 for DB Replication and access to the element Managers
  • 1 or more for the Call Processing in case SRE needs to communicate with multiple voice networks.


They can be combined in a single interface

Communication Matrix

browserEMmanagementTCP/8080 (*)http/https GUI access
external provisionersEMmanagementTCP/5000 (*) (**)REST APIs
EMDNS servermanagementUDP/53 (**)dns resolution
EM/CPNTP servermanagementUDP/123time synchronization
EMEMinternalTCP/5432DB traffic
CPEMinternalTCP/5432DB traffic
CPCPinternalTCP/5555 (*) (**)kamailio-broker traffic for hitless update
CPEMinternalTCP/5000 (*)db updates from service logic
CPEMinternalTCP/10000SRE log and stats
CPEMinternalTCP/10001SRE internal requests
CPEMinternalTCP/10002Accounting data
EMEMinternalTCP/10003Accounting synchronization
EMSNMP managersmanagementUDP/162 (*) (**)SNMP traps
EMSMTP servermanagementTCP/587 (**)mail server
EMsyslog servermanagementUDP/514 (*) (**)syslog data
EMLDAP servermanagementTCP/389/636 (*) (**)GUI authentication
SIP endpoint(s)CPSIPUDP/TCP/5060 (*) (**)SIP traffic interface
HTTP endpointsCPHTTPTCP/6000 (*) (**)http traffic interface
ENUM endpointsCPENUMUDP/TCP/53 (*) (**)ENUM traffic interface

(*) port can be customized (**) optional

Disk partitioning

Create the necessary partitions according to the table below.

The example below is sized for a total disk space of 250GB.

/var/lib/pgsql70 GBExt4 or XFS on LVMPostgreSQL database
/data/sre/db/backups50 GBExt4 or XFS on LVMworkspace for backups
/data/sre/db/wals20 GBExt4 or XFS on LVMwork-ahead logs
/data/sre/provisioning10 GBExt4 or XFS on LVMprovisioning data (EM only)
/data/sre/mongo10GBExt4 or XFS on LVMMongo database (only if CAC or global caching is configured)


Partition dimensions should be tailored to the specific requirements of each project.

Software Requirements



Postgres 14 and repmgr package are required and must be installed on all nodes.

Location of the data directory can be retrieved with this command:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "show data_directory;"

Primary Element Manager Node Configuration

The procedure in this section should be executed on the Primary Element Manager only.

Start postgresql with:

sudo systemctl start postgresql-14 (or postgresql depending on your distribution)
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-14
Configure the database access

Locate pg_hba.conf location depending on your distribution and edit it:

sudo vi pg_hba.conf

This file manages the access rights to the database. It lists all possible origins from where connections can be made to the database and which authentication method should be used. We will always apply ‘trust’ as an authentication method which means that we unconditionally trust the specified sources and allow them to connect to the database without any specific verification or authentication. The first line which must be present allows the localhost to initiate connections over TCP/IP connections to the database. In the default configuration file this line is configured with authentication method = ‘ident’. You must assure it is configured as ‘trust’ for local host connections to all databases:

IPv4 local connections:

host all all trust

Also, all other possible ‘trusted’ sources for database queries must be granted access to the databases previously created. Later in this document we will spin up a standby element manager and call processing nodes. All these nodes must be granted access to the sre and custom databases. For the sake of simplicity access can be granted to an entire range of IP addresses but for security reasons it is sometimes recommended that single hosts should be accepted by using a subnetmask of /32. Nevertheless, we should only accept database connections when using the database user ‘sre’.

IPv4 remote connections:

host sre sre <local_subnet>/<subnetmask> trust
host postgres postgres <local_subnet>/<subnetmask> trust
Postgresql.conf tuning

Locate postgresql.conf location depending on your distribution and edit it:

sudo vi postgresql.conf

uncomment and set the parameter listen_addresses to “*”. Increase the maximum number of connections to 1000:

listen_addresses = '*'
max_connections = 1000

Make sure that the destination directory is writable by the user postgres, on all nodes. Unless different directory is used, the configuration parameters to use for WAL archiving in /data/sre/db/wals/ are:

archive_mode = on                       
archive_command = 'test ! -f /data/sre/db/wals/%f && cp %p /data/sre/db/wals/%f'

Uncomment and set the following parameters (in this example the system keeps 200 WALS files of 16 MB each):

wal_level = replica
max_wal_senders = 10
wal_keep_size = 3200

Enable hot_standby:

hot_standby = on

For automatic EM switchover add the following configuration settings:

wal_log_hints = on
shared_preload_libraries = 'repmgr'

Your configuration file should look like the following (in red the deviations from default values):

# -----------------------------
# PostgreSQL configuration file
# -----------------------------



# - Connection Settings -

listen_addresses = '*'          # what IP address(es) to listen on;
                                        # comma-separated list of addresses;
                                        # defaults to 'localhost'; use '*' for all
                                        # (change requires restart)
#port = 5432                            # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 1000                  # (change requires restart)
#superuser_reserved_connections = 3     # (change requires restart)
#unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql, /tmp'  # comma-separated list of directories
                                        # (change requires restart)



# - Settings -

wal_level = replica                 # minimal, archive, hot_standby, or logical
                                        # (change requires restart)


# - Archiving -

archive_mode = on               # enables archiving; off, on, or always
                                # (change requires restart)
archive_command = 'test ! -f /data/sre/db/wals/%f && cp %p /data/sre/db/wals/%f'                # command to use to archive a logfile segment
                                # placeholders: %p = path of file to archive
                                #               %f = file name only
                                # e.g. 'test ! -f /mnt/server/archivedir/%f && cp %p /mnt/server/archivedir/%f'
#archive_timeout = 0            # force a logfile segment switch after this
                                # number of seconds; 0 disables

# - Sending Server(s) -

# Set these on the master and on any standby that will send replication data.

max_wal_senders = 10            # max number of walsender processes
                                # (change requires restart)
wal_keep_size = 3200            # in logfile segments, 16MB each; 0 disables
#wal_sender_timeout = 60s       # in milliseconds; 0 disables


# - Standby Servers -

# These settings are ignored on a master server.

hot_standby = on                        # "on" allows queries during recovery
                                        # (change requires restart)
#max_standby_archive_delay = 30s        # max delay before canceling queries
                                        # when reading WAL from archive;
                                        # -1 allows indefinite delay
#max_standby_streaming_delay = 30s      # max delay before canceling queries
                                        # when reading streaming WAL;
                                        # -1 allows indefinite delay
#wal_receiver_status_interval = 10s     # send replies at least this often
                                        # 0 disables
#hot_standby_feedback = off             # send info from standby to prevent
                                        # query conflicts
#wal_receiver_timeout = 60s             # time that receiver waits for
                                        # communication from master
                                        # in milliseconds; 0 disables
#wal_retrieve_retry_interval = 5s       # time to wait before retrying to
                                        # retrieve WAL after a failed attempt
wal_log_hints = on
shared_preload_libraries = 'repmgr'

Restart the database after changing the file.

Postgresql replication

Create a user for repmgr to setup replication:

su - postgres
createuser -s repmgr
createdb repmgr -O repmgr

Edit the configuration file pg_hba.conf to change access rights for the replication:

local   replication     repmgr          trust
host    replication     repmgr    trust
host    replication     repmgr  trust
local   repmgr  repmgr          trust
host    repmgr  repmgr    trust
host    repmgr  repmgr  trust

Restart the DB.

Edit the configuration file Postgresql cluster and set the parameters:

sudo vi repmgr.conf
node_id = <ID that should be unique in the SRE environment and greater than 0>
node_name=<name that should be unique in the SRE environment>
conninfo='host=<IP address of the server, this IP address should be accessible to all other nodes> dbname=repmgr user=repmgr'
ssh_options='-q -o ConnectTimeout=10' 
promote_command='/usr/pgsql-14/bin/repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr/14/repmgr.conf --log-to-file; sudo docker restart sre' 
 follow_command='/usr/pgsql-14/bin/repmgr standby follow -f /etc/repmgr/14/repmgr.conf --log-to-file --upstream-node-id=%n'
service_start_command = 'sudo systemctl start postgresql-14'
service_stop_command = 'sudo systemctl stop postgresql-14'
service_restart_command = 'sudo systemctl restart postgresql-14'

Secondary Element Manager and Call Processor Node Configuration

Cloning the databases In order to clone the database from the master database, ensure that all the tablespaces directories are exactly the same as the Primary Element Manager node and that the access rights are identical. Check that the PostgreSQL is not running:

sudo systemctl stop postgresql-14 (or postgresql depending on your distribution)

Ensure that the data directory is empty. See here for the procedure to discover this path.

sudo rm -rf <data_dir>/*

Edit the configuration file repmgr.conf set the parameters:

node_id = <ID that should be unique in the SRE environment and greater than 0>
node_name=<name that should be unique in the SRE environment>
conninfo='host=<IP address of the server, this IP address should be accessible to all other nodes> dbname=repmgr user=repmgr'
data_directory=<postgres data dir>
ssh_options='-q -o ConnectTimeout=10'
promote_command='/<path to repmgr bin>/repmgr standby promote -f /<path to repmgr conf>/repmgr.conf --log-to-file; sudo docker restart sre'
follow_command='/<path to repmgr bin>/repmgr standby follow -f /<path to repmgr conf>/repmgr.conf --log-to-file --upstream-node-id=%n'
repmgrd_pid_file='<full path to repmgrd pid file>'
service_start_command = 'sudo systemctl start postgresql-14' # or postgresql
service_stop_command = 'sudo systemctl stop postgresql-14' # or postgresql
service_restart_command = 'sudo systemctl restart postgresql-14' # or postgresql

Connect as user postgres and clone the PostgreSQL data directory files from the master. Be sure to copy also postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf from master.

su - postgres
/<path to repmgr bin>/repmgr -h <IP Mater EM> -U repmgr -d repmgr -f /<path to repmgr conf>/repmgr.conf standby clone

As root, start PostgreSQL and enable it at boot:

sudo systemctl start postgresql-14 (or postgresql)
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-14 (or postgresql)

As postgres user, register the standby server:

su - postgres
/<path to repmgr bin>/repmgr -f /<path to repmgr conf>/repmgr.conf standby register


On all nodes start and enable repmgrd daemon:

sudo systemctl start repmgrd
sudo systemctl enable repmgrd


Support is provided for InfluxDB OSS versions 2.4 through 2.7. Please refer to official site for installation instructions.


Influxdb is needed only on EM nodes.


As root, start Influxdb and enable it at boot:

[root@em ~]# systemctl start influxd
[root@em ~]# systemctl enable influxd

Configure it with:

[root@em ~]# influx setup -u influxuser -p influxuser -t my-super-secret-token -o influxorg -b bucket -r 1h (it will ask for confirmation)
[root@em ~]# influx bucket delete -n bucket

Mongodb (optional, required for CAC)

MongoDB 5.0.x is required on all nodes. Please refer to official site for installation instructions.



The number of nodes for MongoDB must be an odd number (N+1) to minimize the possibility for an outage of CAC. Indeed, if less than N/2 nodes (example 1 node out of 3) are unavailable, there is still a quorum (majority of nodes) therefore a PRIMARY node is available and the CAC feature is generally available.

sudo cat /etc/mongod.conf 
# Where and how to store data.
    dbPath: /data/sre/mongodb
        enabled: true

# network interfaces
    port: 27017



    replSetName: sre_location

Start and enable mongodb at boot:

sudo chown -R mongod.mongod /data/sre/mongodb
sudo systemctl restart mongod
sudo systemctl enable mongod
Add arbiter (optional)


It is recommended to configure one of EM nodes as mongodb arbiter if total number of SRE CP hosts is even.

sudo cat /etc/mongod.conf 
# Where and how to store data.
    dbPath: /data/sre/mongodb/arb
        enabled: true

# network interfaces
    port: 27017



    replSetName: sre_location

Start and enable mongodb at boot:

sudo mkdir /data/sre/mongodb/arb
sudo chown -R mongod.mongod /data/sre/mongodb
sudo systemctl restart mongod
sudo systemctl enable mongod
Cluster initialization

Connect to one SRE host and start the mongodb shell with:

mongo (or mongosh)

Issue the following command:

> rs.initiate({_id : "sre_location", members: [{_id: 0, host: "<address1>" }]})

Add additional nodes to the cluster with (every node must have a unique id):

> rs.add({_id: 1, host: "<address2>" })

If an arbiter has been configured, add it with:

> rs.addArb("<address3>")

If all went well, issue the following command to check where the PRIMARY node is located:

> rs.status()
Setting write concern

Connect to primary node and on that node launch mongo cli and insert the following command:

> db.adminCommand({"setDefaultRWConcern" : 1,"defaultWriteConcern" : {"w" : 1}})

Container runtime

Docker 20.10.7 or higher is required on all nodes. Please refer to official site for installation instructions.


Using Docker installations from alternative sources, like Snap, is discouraged.

SRE Deployment

Importing SRE images

On EMs and CPs:

sudo docker import sre-oci.tar.gz netaxis/sre

Extracting default configuration files

sudo mkdir -p /opt/sre/
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/sre/
sudo mkdir -p /date/sre/

SRE Configuration

Deploying SRE container

create directory structure for SRE data directory

On all nodes run:

sudo mkdir -p /data/sre/accounting/state
sudo mkdir -p /data/sre/db/backups
sudo mkdir -p /data/sre/db/wals
sudo mkdir -p /data/sre/provisioning

Start the container

Supported configuration options

Option nameDescriptionDefault Value
DB_USERuser for connecting to postgres databasesre
DB_PASSWORDpassword for connecting to postgres databasesre
DB_HOSTpostgres host to connect (hostname or address)initialize and use embedded database
DB_NAMEname of the database to createsre
DB_PORTpostgres port to connect5432
REPMGR_NODE_IDrepmgr node id to use1
INFLUXDB_HOSTSlist of comma separated influxdb hostnames or addressesinitialize and use embedded database
INFLUXDB_TOKENSlist of comma separated influxdb tokens for connectiongenerate token for embedded database
INFLUXDB_ORGinfluxdb organization to use for connectioninfluxorg
INFLUXDB_USERinfluxdb user to use for connectioninfluxuser
INFLUXDB_PASSWORDinfluxdb password to use for connectioninfluxpassword
ENABLE_MONGODBenable(1) or disable(0) embedded mongodb1 (enabled)
MONGODB_HOSTSlist of comma separated mongodb hostnames or addressesuse embedded mongodb
ENABLE_MANAGERmake this instance a manager(1) or a client(0)1 (enabled)
ENABLE_KAMAILIOenable(1) or disable(0) embedded kamailio1 (enabled)
KAMAILIO_PORTuse this port for sip traffic5060
KAMAILIO_EXTRA_DEFINESlist of comma separated defines for kamailiono extra defines
NUM_KAMAILIO_WORKERSnumber of kamailio workers to start8
NUM_CALL_PROCESSORSnumber of call processor instances to start1
ADMIN_PASSWORDgui admin passwordadmin
ENABLE_HTTPSenable(1) or disable(0) https for gui0 (disabled)
GUI_PORTlisten port for gui8080
API_PORTlisten port for rest apis5000
ENABLE_ENUM_PROCESSORenable(1) or disable(0) enum processor0 (disabled)
ENUM_PROCESSOR_PORTlisten port for enum traffic53
NUM_ENUM_PROCESSORSnumber of enum processor instances to start1
ENABLE_HTTP_PROCESSORenable(1) or disable(0) http processor0 (disabled)
HTTP_PROCESSOR_PORTlisten port for http traffic6000
NUM_HTTP_PROCESSORSnumber of http processor instances to start1
MANAGER_HOSTSlist of comma separated of manager node addresses127.0.0.1 (single node deployment)
IMPORT_PATHpath for importing datamodels and service logics at start/import

Sample deploy of 2 EMs and 2 CPs


To start container on first EM:

sudo docker run -d --name sre -v /var/log/sre:/var/log/sre -v /data/sre:/data/sre --network host \
    -e MANAGER_HOSTS=<em1 address>,<em2 address> \
    -e DB_HOST=<em1 address> \
    -e MONGODB_HOSTS=<em1 address>,<em2 address> \
    -e INFLUXDB_HOSTS=<em1 address>,<em2 address> \
    -e INFLUXDB_TOKENS=<influxdb token on em1>,<influxdb token on em2> \
    --restart=always netaxis/sre

To start container on second EM:

sudo docker run -d --name sre -v /var/log/sre:/var/log/sre -v /data/sre:/data/sre --network host \
    -e MANAGER_HOSTS=<em1 address>,<em2 address> \
    -e DB_HOST=<em2 address> \
    -e MONGODB_HOSTS=<em1 address>,<em2 address> \
    -e INFLUXDB_HOSTS=<em1 address>,<em2 address> \
    -e INFLUXDB_TOKENS=<influxdb token on em1>,<influxdb token on em2> \
    --restart=always netaxis/sre


Start the container with the following options:

sudo docker run -d --name sre -v /var/log/sre:/var/log/sre -v /data/sre:/data/sre --network host \
    -e DB_HOST=<cp address> \
    -e MONGODB_HOSTS=<em1 address>,<em2 address> \
    --restart=always netaxis/sre

All-in-one deployment

For an all-in-one deployment only docker runtime is required on the host.

To start SRE run:

sudo docker run -d --name sre -v /var/log/sre:/var/log/sre -v /data/sre:/data/sre --network host --restart=always netaxis/sre